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Quick-Launch Your Tech Career with FEF Upskill!

Since 2017, FEF Upskill has equipped youth and young adults with in-demand skills and industry certifications that can lead to well-paying tech careers and entrepreneurship.

With FEF Upskill, underrepresented youth and young adults can prepare for in-demand tech jobs—including data analyst, data engineer, front-end web developer or software developer—and have the cost of your courses, books, labs, practice exams, and industry certification fees fully covered.

In addition to providing free accelerated, instructor-led and interactive courses, FEF Upskill offers career readiness training and connects you to coaches who will help you land internships and entry-level jobs.

Career Path Options

FEF Upskill's current training courses focus on data analytics and front-end web development, occupations the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity has identified as in demand for 2023-2024 based on high growth and/or high wages throughout the State (https://floridajobs.org). Participants who successfully complete Upskill training courses will receive certifications to validate their knowledge.

Path 1: Data Analytics

Gain a solid grounding in foundational data analysis concepts, explore data analysis software tools, build data visualization skills, and earn certifications such as Microsoft Excel and LinkedIn Learning Career Essentials in Data Analysis.

Path 2: Front-End Web Development

Understand the foundations of front-end web development and web project management; learn HTML, CSS, and JavaScript; and earn industry certifications such as CIW Site Development Associale and JavaScript Specialist.

Upcoming Training

The Web Development Fundamentals course teaches essential Web page development skills. You will learn to develop Web sites using Hypertext Markup Language version 5 (HTML5) and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). You will learn to write code manually, as well as use graphical user interface (GUI) authoring tools. You also will learn to insert images, create hyperlinks, and add tables, forms, video, and audio to your Web pages.

In addition to learning HTML5 and CSS, you will explore how to use HTML5 Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) to extend the functionality of Web pages, such as geolocation, drag-and-drop, canvas, and offline Web applications. Other topics include validating HTML code, recognizing the importance of search engine optimization (SEO), using style sheets extensively to format Web page content, and implementing fundamental design concepts. Throughout the course, you will learn how Web sites are developed as managed projects. You also will explore e-commerce solutions and relate Web site development to business goals.

The Web Development Fundamentals course also prepares you to take the CIW Site Development Associate exam, which, if passed, earns you the CIW Site Development Associate certification, which is a vendor neutral industry certification.

Live class time: Mondays through Thursdays, 9:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Qualifications and Application

Each accelerated training course will enroll approximately 20 participants who are interested in accessing higher paying jobs through skill and professional development. Participants will be selected based on their ability to commit to the program, interest in data or computer programming and web development, personal desire to improve their circumstances, and proven ability to overcome obstacles.

To qualify for the program, you must...

For more information, email upskill @ fefonline.org. To apply for the program, click the apply button below. Space is limited--Apply Now:

Apply for FEF Upskill

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